Tag Archives: Tiny Home

A Look at RVs Benefits and Costs

If you dream of hitting the open road with a house on wheels, you may be thinking about buying an RV, or recreational vehicle. It’s an especially alluring idea these days.

According to the RV Industry Association, between 9 million and 10 million people in the United States own RVs—1 million live in them full time. And the demand for RVs has substantially increased in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Not only are we hearing from RV dealers across the country that their sales are up compared to last spring, but new research shows that 1 in 4 Americans intends to take some kind of RV-related action in the next 12 months—such as taking an RV trip, buying or renting an RV, even visiting an RV dealership,” says Craig Kirby, president of RVIA.

Part of the draw of RVs is that they allow people to vacation with their families without risking exposure to COVID-19 by boarding a plane or entering a hotel.

Source: Want an RV as a Home This Summer? The Benefits and Costs of Recreational Vehicles, Revealed

We are seeing more and more folks that want to have a desert getaway in case things get dicey again. There really is a rush to Mohave County, and to places away from the big cities. Anecdotally, around the country we are hearing of homes that had languished before being out and away from town, but suddenly there were three offers.

It bodes well for sales, and we welcome the new “refugees;” welcome to our world. Please be careful out there, the desert is unforgiving.

We’ve dreamed of having an RV for years, and almost came close to pulling the trigger in 2005, but happily waited.

I think of RVs as a hot potato, that is, you buy it when you need it, and sell it if for any reason you’re not going to use it. The depreciation curve is steep, and waiting a year can make a difference.

On the other hand, it seems that after 20 years, the value has plunged enough so that if one is diligent, one can encounter some real low mileage gems for under $10,000. What’s not to love?

Leaving your RV out on the dirt in the desert is not advised for long term without at least occasional inspections to prevent pack rats, mice, and other varmints form moving in to your lovely “homestead.” Get to know your neighbors, and with any luck they can stop in every once in a while and keep an eye. Often, just a well worn driveway will discourage thieves.

and don’t forget the septic… Ben